Preface of the Almighty

In order to facilitate the existence of mankind in the Material World, to explain his purpose in this World and to prepare him to meet Me, I am passing on information about the structure of the modern World as well as the structure of the Spiritual World where people will find themselves at the end of their life on Earth.

In Revelations, I, God, through My Chosen Person from Russia, My Helper, hope to use modern language to convey information about people’s capacities and the current situation in society on Earth.

I am warning people of a possible collapse of society. I am also explaining to people the prospects of building fair social relations and the structure of the Pyramid of Power on the basis of my Knowledge of the Laws of the Spiritual World.

Revelations, which are written in the form of My dialogue with the Chosen Person, aim to gradually reveal this knowledge to a wide range of people, who are the architects of their own fortune.

The meaning of human life and human potential only becomes clear to people once they understand their vocation in the Material World.

In quite a short period of time, everyone who has read Revelations fills their mind with My knowledge and is inspired to develop and improve themselves. This makes life in the Material World easier and prepares people to meet Me at the entrance of the Spiritual World.

Fulfillment of at least some of the recommendations and the application of knowledge obtained from reading Revelations will allow people to choose the right path and to understand the meaning of their short life on Earth.

Preface of the recorder of the Revelations

In a leap year, which holds symbolic value for humankind, events often occur which change or modify the life-cycle of each person living on Earth.

The foundation of the future, which is invisible to us, is laid down in leap years but lies within the power of the Almighty, the Father in Heaven.

In the autumn of 2004, absolutely unexpectedly, thoughts began to come into my mind which formed themselves into narratives on topics unfamiliar to me. I continued receiving these “texts” over the next four months and subsequently I formed them into this revelatory Book in which Our Creator directly addresses us, people living on this planet at the beginning of the new millennium.

You can find all necessary information about this book in its texts.

Revelations to the People of the New Century I have merely prepared the Book for publication, fulfilling the instruction of the Creator and have entitled it: “Revelations to the People of the New Century”.

While preparing these texts for publication, on the recommendation of the Creator, I removed those words which were addressed directly to me personally, and were related only to my self-improvement process.

The ability to fully understand the structure of the world and contiguity with the Creator came to me after participation in a seminar conducted by Karelin Valentin Vladimirovich (now no longer with us). I owe a debt of respect and gratitude to his memory.

Written down by:

Leonid Ivanovich Maslov,

A Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, academician, member of the Presidium and Chairman of the Scientific Council “School Health Technology” in the Russian Academy of Technological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, author of over 200 publications in Russian and foreign publications on solid-state physics, financial and banking technology, as well as on the planet’s ecology.

(By the time he demonstrated the ability to receive channeled thoughts, L. I. Maslov had already carried out deep scientific research in his position as head of the laboratory of the A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy within the USSR Academy of Sciences, had gained experience of managing financial and industrial structures in the new Russia and the United States, and had worked as an adviser to the Department of Economic Management of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. A further appointment was as adviser to the Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank, including many years of teaching experience in the Corporate Institute of Gazprom and at the Higher School of Economics, a State University. L. I. Maslov also participated in working groups appointed to prepare draft federal laws of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation).